April 11

Best pizza ovens 2024 – pick of the outdoor options


​Pizza Oven enthuses many and stands as an all-time favorite for food lovers. The heavenly aroma of a freshly baked pizza can make anyone’s mouth water. And what can enhance the experience even more? Having your very own pizza oven right in your backyard! Whether you are a seasoned pizza chef or just love experimenting with different flavors, investing in a good quality outdoor pizza oven can take your culinary skills to the next level. In this article, we will explore the best pizza ovens available in 2024, catering to all kinds of budgets and requirements. So, get ready to embark on a flavorful journey as we delve into the top picks of outdoor pizza ovens.

What is the best pizza oven?

​Pizza lovers know that the key to a perfect slice lies in the oven that bakes it. The right pizza oven can mean the difference between a doughy, undercooked crust and a crispy, perfectly charred masterpiece. With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to find the best pizza oven for your needs. In this article, we will explore some of the top contenders and help you make an informed decision.

One popular choice among pizza enthusiasts is the wood-fired pizza oven. These traditional ovens use wood as fuel, allowing for maximum heat and imparting a smoky flavor to the pizza. Wood-fired ovens can reach high temperatures quickly, resulting in a crisp crust with a fluffy interior. However, they do require a certain level of skill and attention to maintain the temperature consistently.

For those seeking convenience without compromising on taste, a gas-powered pizza oven may be the way to go. These ovens heat up quickly and provide a consistent temperature throughout the cooking process. Gas ovens are also more user-friendly and easier to control than wood-fired ovens. However, some argue that they lack the authentic flavor that wood-fired ovens produce.

Another option to consider is the electric pizza oven. These ovens utilize electricity to generate heat and cook the pizza evenly. Electric ovens are ideal for those who value ease of use and convenience. They eliminate the need for fuel and can be used indoors, making them a versatile choice for any home. While electric ovens may not offer the same level of smoky flavor as wood-fired or gas-powered ovens, they excel in convenience and precise temperature control.

Ultimately, the best pizza oven will depend on your personal preferences and needs. Consider factors like flavor, convenience, and budget when making your decision. Whether you opt for a traditional wood-fired oven or a more modern gas or electric model, investing in a quality pizza oven is sure to elevate your pizza-making game to new heights.

Why buy a pizza oven?

​Are you a fan of homemade pizza? If so, you may have considered buying a pizza oven for your home. Investing in a pizza oven can transform your pizza-making experience and take it to a whole new level. But why should you buy a pizza oven? Let’s explore the reasons.

First and foremost, a pizza oven allows you to achieve the authentic taste and texture of a wood-fired pizza. Traditional ovens can’t match the intense heat generated by a pizza oven, resulting in pizzas that lack that perfect combination of crispy crust and gooey cheese. With a dedicated pizza oven, you can create restaurant-quality pizzas in the comfort of your own home.

Moreover, pizza ovens offer versatility. Not only can you bake different types of pizzas, but you can also experiment with other dishes. From baking bread, roasting vegetables, to even grilling meats, a pizza oven can be a multi-functional cooking tool that expands your culinary repertoire.

Lastly, a pizza oven can become the centerpiece of your outdoor entertaining area. Gathering around a pizza oven with family and friends, sharing laughter, and enjoying delicious homemade pizzas is a memorable experience. It adds an element of fun and creates a unique social atmosphere, making your backyard the go-to spot for gatherings.

In conclusion, buying a pizza oven is a worthwhile investment for pizza lovers. Not only does it help you achieve the authentic taste and texture of a wood-fired pizza, but it also offers versatility in cooking other dishes. Plus, it becomes a focal point for entertaining and creates memorable moments with loved ones. So, if you’re passionate about pizza, a pizza oven is a must-have addition to your home.

How to buy the best pizza oven for you

​In the quest for the perfect homemade pizza, nothing beats having your own pizza oven. Whether you’re a casual pizza lover or a seasoned pizzaiolo, investing in a pizza oven can take your culinary skills to the next level. But with so many options available on the market, how do you choose the best pizza oven for you?

The first thing to consider is the type of pizza oven that suits your needs. There are various options to choose from, including wood-fired, gas-fired, electric, and portable pizza ovens. Each type has its own advantages and limitations, so it’s important to determine what matters most to you – be it the traditional smoky flavor of a wood-fired oven or the convenience of an electric oven.

Next, consider the size and capacity of the pizza oven. If you have a small backyard or limited space in your kitchen, a compact or portable pizza oven might be the best fit. However, if you often entertain guests or have a large family, investing in a larger oven with a larger cooking surface and higher capacity might be a better choice.

Finally, consider the quality and durability of the pizza oven. Look for ovens made from high-quality materials that can withstand high temperatures and regular use. Stainless steel or brick ovens are often a popular choice due to their durability and superior heat retention.

In conclusion, buying the best pizza oven for you requires careful consideration of various factors such as the type of oven, size, and quality. Don’t forget to also take into account your personal preferences and cooking needs. By doing your research and evaluating these factors, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect pizza oven that will help you create mouthwatering pizzas right in your own home.

Pizza oven types explained: which is best for your garden?

​If you’re a pizza lover with a passion for cooking, why not consider getting a pizza oven for your garden? Not only will it enhance your outdoor cooking experience, but it will also allow you to create delicious, authentic pizzas right in the comfort of your home. However, with various types of pizza ovens available on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the best one for your garden.

One popular type of pizza oven is the traditional wood-fired oven. These ovens use burning wood as their heat source, giving your pizzas a unique smoky flavor that cannot be replicated. Wood-fired ovens can reach high temperatures quickly, allowing you to bake pizzas in just a few minutes. Additionally, they retain heat exceptionally well, making them perfect for cooking other dishes like bread or roasted vegetables. However, they do require more maintenance and attention, as you need to constantly feed the fire with wood and ensure the temperature remains consistent.

Alternatively, gas-fired pizza ovens offer convenience and ease of use. With the turn of a knob, you can ignite the gas burner and have your oven ready to go within minutes. These ovens provide a consistent heat source, allowing for precise temperature control, and are generally easier to clean and maintain compared to wood-fired ovens. They are a great option for those who prioritize simplicity and efficiency in their outdoor cooking.

Lastly, electric pizza ovens are a practical choice for those who may not have the space or resources for a wood or gas-fired oven. They are compact, easy to use, and can be plugged into a regular power outlet. While they may not provide the same smoky flavor as the other types, electric ovens still offer a satisfying pizza baking experience with minimal fuss and hassle. They are also a great option for apartment dwellers or those with limited outdoor space.

Ultimately, the best type of pizza oven for your garden will depend on your personal preferences, cooking style, and available resources. Whether you choose a traditional wood-fired oven, a convenient gas-fired model, or a compact electric version, investing in a pizza oven will surely elevate your outdoor culinary adventures and bring joy to your taste buds. So pick your favorite type, gather your ingredients, and get ready to create mouthwatering pizzas that will impress your friends and family!

What is the best fuel for a pizza oven?

​When it comes to creating the perfect pizza in a pizza oven, the choice of fuel is crucial. The right fuel can make all the difference in achieving that crispy, flavorful crust that is a hallmark of a well-made pizza. There are several options to choose from, each with its own set of advantages and considerations.

One popular choice for pizza ovens is wood. Wood-fired pizza ovens have a long-standing tradition and are often associated with authentic, traditional Italian pizza. The wood infuses the pizza with a unique smoky flavor and imparts a distinct char on the crust. However, using wood requires a bit of skill and practice, as maintaining the right temperature can be challenging.

Another option for a pizza oven fuel is gas. Gas-powered pizza ovens offer the advantage of convenience and ease of use. With just the flick of a switch, the oven can reach the desired temperature quickly and maintain it consistently. This makes it a great choice for those who want a no-fuss solution or businesses that need to produce pizzas quickly and efficiently. However, some argue that gas-fired ovens may lack the authenticity and unique flavor that comes with wood-fired pizzas.

Lastly, some pizza ovens can be powered by electricity. Electric pizza ovens are easy to use and require minimal maintenance. They are a good option for indoor use or areas where open fires are not permitted. However, some pizza enthusiasts may argue that electric ovens do not achieve the same level of heat and char as wood or gas, resulting in a slightly different texture and taste.

In the end, the best fuel for a pizza oven depends on personal preferences and the desired outcome. Wood offers unmatched flavor and character, gas provides convenience and consistency, while electric offers a practical solution. Whichever fuel you choose, one thing is for sure – a well-designed pizza oven combined with quality ingredients will always result in a delicious pizza that will satisfy even the most discerning pizza lovers.

Where should I place my pizza oven?

​If you’re considering adding a pizza oven to your backyard, one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make is deciding where to place it. The location of your pizza oven can greatly impact your overall experience and enjoyment of this delicious cooking method. So, where should you place your pizza oven?

First and foremost, it’s crucial to choose a location that is safe and practical. Ideally, your pizza oven should be placed on a sturdy and heat-resistant surface, such as a concrete pad or a brick stand. This will ensure that the oven remains stable and secure while in use. Additionally, make sure there is enough space around the oven for easy access and proper ventilation.

Next, consider the proximity to your entertaining area. Placing your pizza oven near your outdoor dining or seating area will make it convenient for you and your guests to enjoy freshly baked pizzas hot out of the oven. It creates a cozy and interactive atmosphere, allowing everyone to gather around as the pizzas are being made.

Lastly, take into account the surroundings of your chosen location. You want to ensure that the area is accessible and well-lit, especially if you plan on using the pizza oven during evening gatherings. Additionally, consider any potential fire hazards or flammable materials that may be nearby, and try to place the oven away from them to avoid any accidents.

In conclusion, when choosing the perfect spot for your pizza oven, safety, practicality, and convenience should be your top priorities. Whether it’s a stand-alone structure or built into an outdoor kitchen, make sure it is placed on a sturdy and heat-resistant surface, close to your entertaining area, and in a well-lit and accessible location. By carefully selecting the right spot for your pizza oven, you’ll be setting yourself up for many delicious and memorable pizza nights with family and friends.

How long does it take to cook a pizza in a pizza oven?

​If you’re a pizza lover like me, then you know that the taste and texture of a pizza cooked in a pizza oven is truly unbeatable. But one question that often lingers in the minds of pizza enthusiasts is: How long does it take to cook a pizza in a pizza oven? Well, the answer truly depends on a few factors.

Firstly, the type of pizza oven you’re using plays a significant role in determining the cooking time. Traditional wood-fired pizza ovens, for example, are known for their high temperatures and can cook a pizza in as little as 90 seconds. Gas ovens or electric ovens, on the other hand, may take a bit longer, usually ranging from 8 to 15 minutes.

Another factor to consider is the size and thickness of the pizza. A thin-crust pizza will cook faster than a deep-dish or stuffed crust pizza. Additionally, if you load your pizza with a variety of toppings, it may take a bit longer for the heat to penetrate through and cook everything evenly.

In conclusion, the average cooking time for a pizza in a pizza oven ranges from as short as 90 seconds to as long as 15 minutes. Remember to keep an eye on your pizza as cooking times can vary depending on various factors. And once it’s done, indulge in the deliciousness that only a perfectly cooked pizza can provide. Happy pizza making!

Do gas pizza ovens make good pizza?

​When it comes to making delicious pizza at home, there are plenty of options to choose from. One popular choice is a gas pizza oven. But do gas pizza ovens truly make good pizza? The answer is a resounding yes.

Gas pizza ovens are known for their convenience and efficiency. Unlike traditional wood-fired ovens, gas ovens provide consistent heat and temperature control, ensuring that your pizza cooks evenly every time. With the ability to adjust the flame, you have more control over the cooking process, allowing you to achieve the perfect crispy crust and melty cheese.

Another advantage of gas pizza ovens is their quick preheating time. Unlike wood-fired ovens, which require time to build up the desired temperature, gas ovens can reach optimal heat levels in a matter of minutes. This means less waiting time and more time enjoying your delicious, homemade pizza.

Gas pizza ovens also offer versatility. They aren’t limited to just making pizzas; you can use them to bake bread, roast vegetables, or even cook a variety of meats. With a gas pizza oven in your kitchen, the culinary possibilities are endless.

In conclusion, gas pizza ovens are a fantastic option for pizza lovers who want to create delicious and consistent pizzas at home. With their convenience, efficiency, and versatility, they make the pizza-making process a breeze. So go ahead, invest in a gas pizza oven, and enjoy the mouthwatering taste of homemade pizza whenever you desire.

How do I clean a pizza oven?

​Cleaning a pizza oven can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and tools, it can be done effectively and efficiently. Before starting the cleaning process, it’s important to ensure that the oven has cooled down completely to avoid any accidental burns.

To begin, remove any leftover debris or food particles from the oven using a brush or broom. Once the visible dirt is cleared, you can start tackling the grease and grime that may have built up over time. A mixture of warm water and mild dish soap can work wonders in breaking down the grease. Use a sponge or cloth soaked in the soapy water to scrub the interior walls, floor, and ceiling of the pizza oven.

For stubborn stains or burnt residue, you can use a mixture of baking soda and water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the affected areas and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it off. This combination is effective in removing tough stains without damaging the oven’s surface.

Once you have thoroughly cleaned the interior, don’t forget to clean the oven door and handle as well. These areas often accumulate grease and residue, so wiping them down with the soapy water or a vinegar solution will help maintain the overall cleanliness of the oven.

In conclusion, cleaning a pizza oven can be done effectively by using a mixture of warm water and dish soap, along with baking soda paste for stubborn stains. Regular cleaning and maintenance will not only prolong the life of the oven but also ensure that your pizzas are cooked to perfection every time.

Best portable wood-fired pizza oven

Ooni Karu Pizza Oven

The Ooni Karu 12 Multi-Fuel Outdoor Pizza Oven is a game-changer for outdoor cooking enthusiasts. Whether you prefer the smoky flavor of wood-fired pizza or the convenience of gas, this portable oven has you covered. With its compact design and lightweight construction, it’s perfect for camping trips, backyard parties, or even picnics.

The Ooni Karu 12 delivers authentic stone-baked pizzas with incredible speed. It heats up in just 15 minutes and has a maximum temperature of 950°F, allowing you to cook your pizzas in as little as 60 seconds. The countertop design makes it easy to use, and the adjustable flame control ensures that you can achieve the perfect cooking temperature every time.

The quality and craftsmanship of the Ooni Karu 12 are second to none. It’s built to last, with a stainless steel body and ceramic fiber insulation that helps retain heat and minimize fuel consumption. The oven comes with a cordierite stone baking board, which ensures even heat distribution and crispy crusts. Plus, it’s compatible with both wood and charcoal, as well as gas, giving you the flexibility to choose your preferred fuel source.

In conclusion, the Ooni Karu 12 Multi-Fuel Outdoor Pizza Oven is a must-have for pizza lovers who enjoy cooking outdoors. Its versatility, superior performance, and durable construction make it worth every penny. Whether you’re a seasoned pizza chef or just starting out, this oven will surely elevate your pizza-making experience to new heights.

Flexible fuel options
Portable and flexible
Can be used with wood, charcoal, or gas
Can use gas or wood as fuel

Takes some time to get the hang of it
Inconsistent cooking

Weight: 26.4 pounds
Color: Silver
Preparation time: 15 minutes (gas) / 60 seconds (wood)
Type of pizza oven: Countertop
Heating temperature: Up to 950°F
Usage: Outdoor

Best pizza ovens 2024 – pick of the outdoor options

The best indoor/outdoor pizza oven

Ninja Woodfire Pizza Oven

The Ninja Woodfire Pizza Oven is a versatile outdoor oven that offers more than just pizza-making capabilities. With its 8-in-1 functionality, it proves to be a reliable addition to any outdoor cooking experience. The oven boasts 5 Pizza Settings, allowing users to easily achieve their desired crust crispiness and done-ness. Equipped with Ninja Woodfire Technology, it delivers authentic wood-fired flavors that pizza enthusiasts crave.

This pizza oven is powered by a 700°F high heat, ensuring fast and even cooking. It also doubles as a BBQ smoker, perfect for those who enjoy the taste of smoked meats. The use of wood pellets enhances the flavors further, adding a delicious smoky touch to every bite. The included pizza stone ensures a perfectly crispy crust, while the electric heat feature allows for easy temperature adjustments. Its portable design makes it great for outdoor gatherings or camping trips. Available in a vibrant terracotta red color and measuring 9×13, this Ninja Woodfire Pizza Oven is a must-have for pizza lovers and outdoor cooking enthusiasts.

Can be used as a smoker or dehydrator
Woodfire Technology removes a lot of the guesswork from wood fire cooking
Finally, an outdoor pizza oven that makes Neapolitan-quality pizza
Converts into a barbecue smoker
Wood-fire flavor without the wood

Requires outlet

Temperature: 105 – 700°F
Size: 21.5″D x 18″W x 15.1″H
Power: 1760 W
Technology: Woodfire
Color: Terracotta Red
Model: OO101
Usage: Outdoor

Best pizza ovens 2024 – pick of the outdoor options

The best portable pizza oven

Gozney Roccbox Portable Oven

The Roccbox Pizza Oven by Gozney is a game changer when it comes to outdoor cooking. This portable oven allows you to bake authentic, restaurant-quality pizzas in the comfort of your own backyard. With its gas-fired design, it heats up quickly and evenly, ensuring perfect results every time.

One of the standout features of the Roccbox is its versatility. Not only does it excel at making delicious pizzas, but it can also be used for baking bread, cooking meats, and even grilling vegetables. The included professional grade pizza peel makes it easy to slide your creations in and out of the oven with precision.

The build quality of the Roccbox is impressive, with durable materials that can withstand high temperatures. It also has a sleek and modern design that will make a great addition to any outdoor space. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a pizza lover looking to elevate your cooking game, the Roccbox Pizza Oven is a must-have for your outdoor kitchen.

Reasonable 20-pound weight
Quick cooking time
Very powerful, reaches 950°F

Short power cord
Requires a propane tank

Brand: ‎GOZNEY°
Weight: 50 pounds
Gas type: Liquefied Petroleum
Stone-floor: Yes
Model: ‎HJFI48
Size: ‎10 x 2 x 3 in.

Best pizza ovens 2024 – pick of the outdoor options

Best portable gas pizza oven

Solo Stove Pi Prime Gas Pizza Oven

The Solo Stove Pi Prime Gas Pizza Oven Outdoor is a remarkable addition to any outdoor cooking set-up. With its portable design and stainless steel construction, this oven is built to last. The powerful demi-dome heating ensures that your pizzas are cooked to perfection, with a crispy crust and gooey cheese every time.

One of the standout features of this pizza oven is the panoramic opening, which allows you to keep an eye on your pizza as it cooks. The cordierite pizza stone ensures even heat distribution, resulting in a consistently delicious pizza. Whether you’re hosting a backyard gathering or going camping, the Solo Stove Pi Prime Gas Pizza Oven is a must-have for any pizza lover.

No setup required, just attach a propane tank
Tailgate or camp ready
Powerful heating
Powerful heating technology
Extra-large opening allows for more than just pizza

Performance can be inconsistent
Temperature can be hard to control

Power: Powerful demi-dome heating
Material: Stainless Steel
Control: Knob
Preheating time: about 15 minutes
Cooking time: about 90 seconds
Type: Gas Pizza Oven
Design: Simple, Portable

Best pizza ovens 2024 – pick of the outdoor options

Best portable pizza oven

Bertello SHARK TANK Pizza Oven

The Bertello Outdoor Pizza Oven Black + Pizza Peel Combo is a fantastic addition to any outdoor cooking setup. This portable brick oven allows you to experience the deliciousness of wood-fired pizza right in your own backyard. As seen on SHARK TANK, this product is backed by a reputable brand, the Bertello Store. The oven heats up quickly and maintains a consistent temperature, resulting in perfectly cooked pizzas with a crispy crust and perfectly melted cheese. The included pizza peel makes it easy to slide your creations in and out of the oven without any fuss. Whether you’re hosting a small gathering or just craving homemade pizza, this outdoor oven is a must-have for pizza lovers.

Gas burner attachment available
Can be used with wood, charcoal, pellets or gas (gas attachment sold separately)

Requires assembly

Brand: Bertello
Size: ‎24 x 14 x 10.5 inch
Gas Burner: sold separately
Maximum temperature: 930 degrees Fahrenheit
Usage: Outdoor
Color: ‎Black

Best pizza ovens 2024 – pick of the outdoor options

The best gas pizza oven

Blackstone Pizza Oven Outdoor

The Blackstone Pizza Oven Outdoor is a must-have for any pizza lover. This portable propane oven is perfect for outdoor gatherings and allows you to make delicious, authentic-tasting pizzas in no time. The package includes a pizza peel, pizza cutter, and wholesalehome gloves and cloth, making it a complete set for a seamless pizza-making experience.

The oven itself is well-built and sturdy, with a sleek design that adds a touch of elegance to any outdoor space. The heat distribution is impressive, ensuring that your pizza cooks evenly and quickly. The pizza peel and cutter are of high quality and make it easy to transfer and slice the pizza. The included gloves and cloth are a nice addition, protecting your hands and keeping the oven clean.

Overall, the Blackstone Pizza Oven Outdoor is a fantastic investment for anyone who enjoys homemade pizzas. Its portability and complete set of accessories make it a convenient choice for outdoor cooking.

Portable and easy to set up anywhere
A pizza peel and pizza cutter are included, along with some helpful cooking tips
Heats up to 700 degrees
Two-stage burner

May need an adapter for larger propane tanks
Requires pre-heating for 15 minutes

Size: 25″D x 23″W x 22″H
Technology: Patented 2-Stone
Weight: 84 pounds
Gas: Yes
Temperature monitoring: Yes
Stone: 15″


Artisan Pizza Cooking, Backyard Pizza Ovens, Best Home Pizza Ovens, Best Pizza Ovens 2024, Culinary Gadgets 2024, DIY Pizza Oven Tips, Electric Pizza Ovens, Gas Pizza Ovens, Gourmet Pizza at Home, High-Performance Pizza Ovens, Home Entertainment Upgrades, Outdoor Cooking Solutions, Outdoor Kitchen Equipment, Outdoor Pizza Oven Picks, Pizza Making Essentials, Pizza Oven Buying Guide, Pizza Oven Features Comparison, Pizza Oven Reviews, Portable Pizza Ovens, Stone Pizza Ovens, Top Outdoor Pizza Ovens, Wood-Fired Pizza Ovens

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